I hope you enjoy this week’s podcast in which I share a meditation for shaking the Lulav with kavanot (intentions). The meditation is based on this Breslav teaching, with modifications to make it more accessible.
This Week’s Classes
Kavanah Practice Group (KPG) 15 Next Tuesday
"It is fitting that all of Israel should dwell in a single sukkah” (Sukkah 27b)
Join us on Tuesday, October 10th, as we bring this teaching to life and explore the power of unity on Sukkot. We will study two essays, one by Rav Kook: Sukkot: All of Israel in One Sukkah and one from Chabad: Unity in Three Dimensions.
All are welcome.
Zoom link
Passcode: kavanah
7-7:30 PM in Israel
12-12:30 PM EDT/EST
10-10:30 AM MST/MDT
9-9:30 AM PDT/PST
Invite friends to join using this form: https://forms.gle/MXSTEYuxHs6XEtBa8
Creation Care 84 Next Thursday
Hi Friends,
Did you know that the Old Norse pagan tradition, Ásatrú, is Iceland’s fastest growing religion?
Join us next Thursday, October 5th, to find out why as we discuss this fascinating article: Swedish Ecologist Revives Old Norse Myths And Rituals To Tackle Environmental Crises
🌳 Andreas Kornevall, a Swedish-British ecologist, is dedicated to preserving Old Norse myths and rituals, using them to address contemporary environmental issues and foster a connection to nature.🌳
[Kornevall] emphasizes that it’s not the type of ritual, but ritual itself, that matters. He envisions what he calls an “ancient future,” one in which we turn once again to ceremonies and rituals — however old or new, however authentic or invented — to give shape and meaning to our presence on Earth and to help us contend with the inevitable, ongoing loss and change that our disconnect from the planet has wrought. “In the ancient future,” he hopes, “ceremonies will not be redundant, but indeed stronger.”
🌿 Meeting Details:
Date: Thursday, October 5th
7-7:30 PM in Israel
12-12:30 PM EDT/EST
10-10:30 AM MST/MDT
9-9:30 AM PDT/PST
Zoom Link: Join Here
Password: creation
For those who haven't yet, please invite your friends to sign up via this link.
These classes are provided free and donations are appreciated.
Wishing you and your loved ones a beautiful Shabbat and Sukkot.
In Blessing,
Aryeh Ronay
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